Inquiry e-form
Before filling in the e-form we kindly recommend you to study consular information that is provided in the links below. If information on the question you are interested in is already covered, we will not reply to your inquiry. Otherwise, we will examine your inquiry according to its urgency and importance and will contact you via the e-mail address provided.
Consular assistance in the case of emergency
Arrival to the Republic of Lithuania from abroad
Arrival of the citizens of the Russian Federation
Arrival of the citizens of the Republic of Belarus
Unaccompanied minors
Consular services provided by the diplomatic missions of the Republic of Lithuania
Registration for consular services
Legalisation of documents and approval certificate (Apostille)
Crossing the border issues
Legal stay in the Republic of Lithuania
Customs information about bringing goods to the Republic of Lithuania
Travelling with pets
If you did not find the answer to your question in the aforementioned links, we kindly ask you to fill in the inquiry e-form. Please note that we examine the inquiries submitted through this e-form only. The questions for the embassies or consular offices of the Republic of Lithuania must be addressed via corresponding e-mail after looking into the consular information on the webpage of the respective embassy or consular office.
All inquiries are being processed during the working hours of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Lithuania.